The district attorney’s office has an official Facebook profile that can be found at https://www.facebook.com/ConcernedAboutOurDA/. In an apparent attempt to restrict negative feedback, Ms. Gonzalez and her office intentionally blocked the Facebook profile established by the group who operates the website located at www.concerned-about-our-da.com (“Concerned Website”). It is unknown how many other individuals and groups she has blocked in an effort to manage the negative publicity concerning her office.
Under the First Amendment, government officials such as the District Attorney for the Western Judicial Circuit, are prohibited from establishing a government social media page permitting public comment and then censoring unfavorable comments that express opposing viewpoints. This is called viewpoint censorship and can result in significant money damages if litigation is is required to stop the improper restriction on for free speech and expression.
In an effort to address this improper conduct by Ms. Gonzalez and with the potential for litigation, a demand letter was sent to Ms. Gonzalez on September 28, 2023. Additionally, a letter concerning the duty to preserve and spoliation notice was sent to Ms. Gonzalez, her staff, and the Attorney’s Office for Athens-Clarke County on the same date.
Without comment or response, Ms. Gonzalez removed the improper blocking of the Concerned Facebook profile on September 29, 2023.
If you are experiencing unconstitutional viewpoint censorship by the District Attorney’s Office, please share your story with us at info@concerned-about-our-da.com.