Jury Trials Lost

Almost all of them….

Drug Charges Dismissed

Still counting….

Citizens Getting Concerned

More each day!

Gonzalez Responds….

Interestingly, Deborah Gonzalez submitted a Letter to the Editor for publication in the Oconee Enterprise that was published on November 2. In letter, DA Gonzalez contends that her office has “prioritized working win collaboration with our law enforcement partners to keep residents of Clarke and Oconee counties safe, ensuring justice is served with due process and that victims of crimes are accorded certain basic rights.” It is further claimed by DA Gonzalez that a local attorney has “diverted attention” from the “notable work” of the DA’s office to focus on unfounded allegations.

The court records show that DA Gonzalez has failed to effectively prosecute criminals and ignored the rights of victims pursuant to the Georgia Crime Victims Bill of Rights.

Quote image obtained from www.oconeeenterprise.com – Nov. 2, 2023

Can DA Gonzalez provide any proof to support her allegations? How does she explain the court records which suggest a different story?